Friday, June 29, 2012

Fertile Hope by Livestrong

An excellent resource for those battling cancer who worry about infertility after medical treatments. If you have fertility-related questions or would like more information related to the Sharing Hope financial assistance program, call toll-free 855.220.7777 , or complete an online intake form for the LIVESTRONG Navigation Services program.

Fertile Hope is a LIVESTRONG initiative dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility.

Cancer & Fertility Information

From fertility risks to fertility preservation techniques to parenthood after cancer options, find educational information to help you make personal, educated decisions before or after cancer treatments.

Research & Trials

Whether you are looking for current available data or would like to conduct research to help answer the myriad of questions that still exist, we hope the following pages are helpful to you.

Cancer & Fertility News

Read a wide array of articles about fertility preservation, parenthood after cancer and survivorship.

Information courtesy of:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Tell Someone You Have Cancer

Telling your loved ones that you have a cancer diagnosis isn’t easy. Below are some tips that will help on this journey.

Do You Have to Tell Everyone?
Many people feel the need to announce their diagnosis to everyone around them when they are first diagnosed with cancer. Feeling as if everyone should know is normal; however, it's not always best. You may find that it is best to only tell those who you know will be a positive support system, such as immediate family and very close friends.
Finding the Right Words
The biggest challenge is saying the words "I have cancer." Saying those words aloud can release emotions that you may have been suppressing. Telling someone somehow makes the disease more real; it is validating. Although it may be difficult in finding the right words, it is very therapeutic, because you are admitting you are sick. This is the first step in coping with cancer-admittance. When people first hear the word “cancer," they automatically think the worst. It is your responsibility to educate them on the extent of the disease. The more at ease and knowledgeable they are, the more effective support they can give to you. Being surrounded by people whose anxieties and fears are obvious and excessive will not allow you to cope in a healthful manner. Remember, how you are coping is more important, not how they are dealing with your disease.
Telling Your Spouse or Partner that You Have Cancer
Your spouse or partner will likely be the first person you confide in about your cancer diagnosis. He or she will likely be your caregiver during treatments and can be the best support system you have. It is important to be completely honest about your cancer and what your prognosis is. Allowing he or she to accompany you to appointments will make you feel less isolated on your journey. When you have a partner who gives you ultimate support, combating cancer begins to feel like teamwork, and you will feel empowered!
Telling Your Children that You Have Cancer
It is never easy to tell children bad news. As parents, we have a natural instinct to protect their feeling, and we often do so by omitting information. Many psychologists agree that this hurts them more in the long run, so being straight forward and honest is best. It's important to let your children know that you have cancer and to be honest about what is cancer. Don't assume they automatically know what it is, because they often hear it on television. Explain the physical process of how it develops and what treatment you are going to have. Some experts recommend delaying telling children until you are aware of the extent of your disease and what course of treatment you will be taking. Children understand best when they can see the whole picture, not just little pieces. Remember to be confident. Your optimism about beating cancer will reassure them. It's also important for them to know that your disease is not contagious, and it won't affect them physically. This may even be one of the first questions they ask you. They are not being selfish. Children often hear about people catching a cold or the flu and naturally assume it may be the same for cancer. How you explain it to your children and what information you choose for them to know depends on their age. If you have any questions about telling your children and what affect it may have, consult a child psychologist or pediatrician. He may be able to coach you on what to say and what not to say.
Telling Friends and Family

Again, be candid and honest about your disease. You can pick and choose what details you would like to share. Remember, though, these are the people who are going to be your support system. Being straightforward about your fears and anxieties are essential.


Information courtesy of:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The National Garden of Hope


Remember women touched by Ovarian Cancer by participating in  the National Garden of Hope, a part of the Honoring the Journey Ceremony at the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance annual conference. Participants will be given a packet which will include a picture of the woman being honored along with a packet of forget-me-not seeds and asked to plant them when they return home.

The goal is to create a National Garden of Hope symbolizing our community: spread across the country but tied together by our concern and care for one another. We need your help to seed our Garden of Hope across the country. Please submit pictures of any woman you want to honor and remember to the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance by Friday, June 29, 2012, along with a short statement about her (no longer than 50 words). You may mail or email the photo.

Items may be mailed to:
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
Attn: Elizabeth White 901 E Street NW, Suite 405
Washington, DC 20004

Items may be emailed to

Please include the name of the woman to honor or remember and 50 words about her. Please note that photos will not be returned; they will accompany the seeds to their new corner of our National Garden of Hope.

Information courtesy of:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Personalized Ovarian Cancer Awareness T-shirts


Check out the wide selection of Cancer Survivor apparel at “It was a tough road but you are a Cancer Survivor. Share your story, so that you can create additional Cancer Awareness, by wearing your own Personalized Cancer Survivor Shirt.”

To see more customized products please visit:

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