Monday, March 24, 2014

Ovarian cancer patient not only survives, but thrives

She may have faced stage III ovarian cancer at one time in her life, but Gwen Ammos, 51, doesn’t allow herself to dwell in the past. In fact, she is a marathon runner, an ice hockey player, and a medical volunteer in Nepal. Learn more about this astonishing woman from Chestnut Hill Local:

Gwenn Amos, 51, a Renaissance woman who lives in Ambler, somehow finds enough time in the same 24-hour day we all have to cram in numerous passions and skills. Amos, a Doctor of Optometry who works for The Eye Institute in Chestnut Hill, is also an assistant professor at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Elkins Park, a musician (drummer), a marathon runner, a five-year survivor of stage III ovarian cancer, a public health expert (Master’s degree) who has volunteered her services in the mountain villages of Nepal, a church volunteer, an ice hockey team member who has scrimmaged with former players from the Philadelphia Flyers, and a soon-to-be certified Emergency Medical Technician. It would take a book to encompass all of her accomplishments, but we will try to condense it into a two-part series of articles:

Local: Where did you grow up and attend high school?

Amos: I grew up in Warminster, Bucks County, and attended William Tennent High School. I have a B.A. from Temple University in biology.

Local: What made you want to pursue a career as an optometrist and public health worker?

Amos: I was interested in pursuing a career in the medical field but didn’t want to be “married” to my career. My interest in public health developed after participating in several eye camps in developing nations including Nepal, South Africa and several countries in South/Central America. Often patients and their families go to great lengths and may travel for days to attend a screening. Of course they bring great hope with them. I wanted to learn how to plan and implement programs whereby our eye camps would make a more significant impact on at least a fraction of patients we can expect to come with the expectation that they can be helped to see better via cataract extraction. Additionally, there are many systemic diseases that have ocular manifestations such as diabetes and hypertension. So only providing eye screening without having a referral system in place for treatment of other diseases that are detected during an eye examination can be somewhat frustrating. (Dr. Amos earned her Masters in Public Health in 2009 from Arcadia U. in Glenside.)

Local: Why did you go to Nepal?

Amos: I have been to several villages in the mountains of Nepal. It is absolutely beautiful there. From a distance you can see how completely the people have terraced every bit of the mountain to grow corn and rice. I was there in 2001 and again in 2005, and we are planning another eye camp for November of this year, or perhaps spring of next year. These two trips were coordinated by a group called Pennsylvania United Medical Association (PUMA). Steve Simpson, the founder of PUMA, has done an amazing job first establishing an orphanage in Kathmandu, which has since grown to two homes, one for boys and one for girls. Additionally, he has, with the help of a strong and dedicated crew in Nepal in conjunction with teams from the U.S., built many health clinics and churches for people in remote villages. PUMA sends medical personnel to train local Nepalis in what we would consider basic health care. Did you know that there are more people in the world with access to cell phones than access to toothbrushes?

Local: What are conditions like in Nepal?

Amos: There is no running water in the villages and no electricity. You don’t need an alarm, especially if you’re sleeping in the same room with a chicken. He’ll know when to awaken you! The children just cling to you and don’t want to leave your side. I was really struck by this on the first trip until someone so clearly explained that “they don’t have things, but they have each other.” So, I quickly adapted to traveling with an entourage and tried to think of games we could play where we didn’t need to speak the same language. There is an amazing maturity among children of even a very young age. Children at the homes are taught early to clean up after themselves. At the age of even 3, they wash their own plate and have chores like sweeping the floors after meal time. There is virtually no-to-very limited health care in the villages. A trip to Nepal is approximately two weeks because of the flight time and the hiking time to and from one or two villages. This would be considered a very short-term trip.

Local: What do you do in your leisure time, if you have any?

Amos: Right now I don’t have much leisure time at all. I’m really quite a bore about studying and practicing for EMT (her Emergency Medical Technician certification). It’s important for me to attend church, and I volunteer in the audio/visual department. Walking and running are always good for helping get problems worked out in one’s mind and are healthy for the body. I enjoy both as well as gardening. Drum lessons are on hold right now, which I’m sure pleases the neighbors. In April of 2012 I completed the Gettysburg North-South Marathon, and next month will be the five-year anniversary of being diagnosed with stage III ovarian cancer. As the Bible says, life is like a vapor. Anytime we have an opportunity to be the hands or feet of the Lord to others, that is our service to Him.

For more information about Dr. Amos, email or call 215-276-6158.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Beating the Odds

Her husband beats an opponent every time he is on the court.  However, LA Basketball Wives star Brandi Maxiell fought the toughest opponent yet and came out on top.  Brandi is on this season of Basketball Wives LA.  She has learned a lot since her battle with cancer.  Read her interview from OK Magazine below.
Joining the cast of Basketball Wives LA might be intimidating for some women, but no on-screen cat fights can come close to the battle cast member Brandi Maxiell fought with ovarian cancer when she was just 24 years old.
Married to NBA player Jason Maxiell, Brandi joins the cast this season to speak out on behalf of ovarian cancer survivors and also share her quest to have a second child. With the American Cancer Society predicting 21, 980 women will receive a new diagnosis in 2014 alone, OK! chats with the outspoken reality star on how she overcame this vicious disease.
OK!: What made you want to join Basketball Wives LA in the first place?
Brandi Maxiell: What made me want to join the show was to talk about my experience with ovarian cancer and bring awareness to that and also be there to help my friend out because she was on the show as well, Malaysia Pargo.
OK!: What was the biggest lesson you learned from your cancer battle?
BM:  I was 24, had just graduated from college and I was thinking I was about to start my life with my fiancĂ©, now husband. I wanted to have fun and let my hair down and go crazy. I’m way more humble than I ever was before. I don’t take things so seriously. I’ve learned to enjoy life, take it in, breathe it in and take it all one day at a time, rather than taking life for granted. Anybody that has cancer, you look at it as a death sentence automatically, just to overcome it I made a vow to myself to not take anything for granted and love my family and embrace life.
OK!: How did you learn about your diagnosis?
BM: I remember it was the summer of 07 and the whole summer I was complaining that my back hurt and stuff like that. My doctor was like, “Oh it’s nothing.” I remember I was living with my fiancĂ© and l noticed my stomach was getting bigger and bigger and bigger. It looked as if I was six months pregnant. I took a million pregnancy tests and I was like, “There’s no way in the world I’m pregnant.” When I would lay down I would see my stomach would shift. I would have to go to the bathroom every five seconds. Sometimes I wouldn’t even make it to the toilet. Something was not right. I would take one bite of anything and I was immediately full.  I went through all of these tests and blood work and they said, “More than likely you have cancer.” No one in my family has cancer, how can that be? It was terrible.
OK!: What advice would you give women as far as looking out for any troubling signs something is wrong?
BM: What I can say is I’m very blessed and fortunate that I had every symptom there is. It was like: Bloating, check. This, check. That, check. I had every symptom. As a woman you have to take care of yourself and any sign you feel that’s going on with your body, go to the doctor as soon as possible. If they deny you or blow you off, you need to go to another doctor. Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Eight out of 10 (times) you’ve caught it too late. I was blessed and fortunate enough to catch it in time. Ovarian cancer is like an over 50 cancer and I was 24.

OK!: Once you found out you beat cancer, what’s the first thing you did?
BM: I had a party! I don’t know if I should be saying this but I had a party. I went and let loose. Me and my husband and my friends and the other NBA wives that were with the Detroit Pistons, we all went out. We had drinks. Because I didn’t drink (while in treatment), I was doing everything right. So I let everything go. We partied all night long. It was a celebration time for me. It was a celebration of life. I was free.