Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A life-saving legacy


In 2000, Ann Smith, an energetic and vivacious 50-year-old woman from the Johnstown area, was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. Shortly after her diagnosis, Ann and her family organized
the first Laurel Auto Group Pro-Am Charity Golf Classic to help raise awareness about ovarian cancer. Ann lost her valiant fight against this silent disease in 2002. But her unwavering commitment
to helping others learn about ovarian cancer lives on, stronger today than ever before. In July, the Charity Golf Classic celebrated its 10th anniversary. Through the years, this community event has
raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help area women, health care professionals and others become more educated about ovarian cancer. Listen to the Whispers is just one way that,
together, we’re all working to bring Ann’s vision to life.


For more information on ovarian cancer please visit: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/ovarian


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