Endometriosis is common problem among women in their child-bearing years. But new research suggests a link between this condition and certain types of ovarian cancer:
Women with a history of endometriosis are at a significantly increased risk of developing several types of ovarian cancers, according to a new study published in the Lancet Oncology.
Endometriosis occurs when the cells from the lining of the uterus grow in other areas of the body, according to the National Institutes of Health. About 10 percent of women in their childbearing years experience it. It can cause pain, irregular bleeding and make it difficult to conceive.
The new research found that women with endometriosis have a three times higher risk of developing clear-cell ovarian cancer (which accounts for less than 5 percent of all ovarian cancer cases) and twice the risk of developing endometrioid tumors.
"Our data, taken with the other published data on the link between ovarian cancer and endometriosis strongly suggests a causal relationship, with endometriosis being a precursor lesion for these three types of ovarian cancer," Dr. Celeste Leigh Pearce, lead author of the study and a preventive medicine researcher at University of Southern California, told ABCNews.com.
Researchers analyzed the link between endometriosis and ovarian cancer rates from data compiled by the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, a forum of investigators of case-control studies on the cancer. Tuesday's published study included data from more than 23,000 women with ovarian cancer.
Read the whole article and learn more here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/endometriosis-linked-ovarian-cancers/story?id=15759613#.T0f4SPFABv0
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