Thursday, July 19, 2012

Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Will Participate in the Golf Classic On Monday at Sunnehanna

As many of you are aware, the Smith Family's annual Laurel Auto Group Pro-Am Charity Golf Classic will be held on Monday, July 23rd at Sunnehanna Country Club.  This year during the event, we will be hosting a lemonade stand near the #13 tee box and 100% of the money raised will be donated to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF).  This foundation has raised millions toward finding a cure and funding innovative childhood cancer research projects nationally!  That said, if you (and your family) are available, please come out and join me in this national endeavor to fight childhood cancer and share the experience in giving back!

Please visit their fundraising page for more information or to donate.


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