Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blood Test for Detecting Ovarian Cancer Shows Promise

Diagnostics company Vermillion INC said a clinical trial of its blood test for detecting ovarian cancer showed the test had a high chance of correctly identifying patients with cancer.

Shares of the company jumped 21 percent to $2.17 on the news. The study, named OVA1, is a blood test for pre-surgical assessment of ovarian tumors for malignancy. The study focused on two particularly challenging subgroups - women with early-stage ovarian cancer and pre-menopausal women.

"A key goal of the study was to investigate the challenging pre-menopausal setting, where benign cysts have a high incidence and early-stage cancer often goes undetected," Chief Executive Gail Pagesaid.

The test had a 94 percent sensitivity in the pre-menopausal group, and a 91 percent sensitivity in the early-stage ovarian cancer group. A diagnostic test's sensitivity refers to its ability to correctly identify those who are actually affected by the disease. Overall, the test showed a 96 percent sensitivity. OVA1 also had a low chance of mistakenly classifying a sick person as healthy.

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