Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ovarian Cancer Facts

Ovarian cancer (malignancy of the ovaries) is the fifth most common female cancer. In the United States, there will be an estimated 22,280 women that will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012, according to statistics from the National Cancer Institute.

There are certain things that increase your risk of getting ovarian cancer. These are:• Never having been pregnant during your childbearing years
• Being in later life (over 50)
• Having a family history of ovarian cancer or cancer of the rectum, colon, uterus or breast or a previous history of having any of those cancers
• Using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that is an estrogen-only product for more than 10 years
• Ovarian stimulation for IVF procedures may increase the risk of borderline ovarian tumors, although more studies are needed
• Being overweight with a body mass index of over 30
• Having your first period when you are very young or having a late menopause
• Having a history of endometriosis
• Being Ashkenazi Jewish, Dutch, Polish, Icelandic, Norwegian or Pakistani.

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